Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Valentine's treat!

Yesterday was Valentine's Day and Robert made me a fantastic dinner. I had to share the dessert picture because it was delicious. Every pregnant gals dream!!! He prepared Shrimp Scampi for dinner and then made chocolate souffle for dessert. Can I just say, "Yum, yum, yum"!!!

Almost 25 weeks!

Here are some updated "Tummy Shots". I'm almost 25 weeks and going strong! I have my next Doctor's appoint on Tuesday and can't wait to see updates. Yeah!

Frontal shot!

Side Shots!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Spoiled already!

Here's some gifts that our baby has already gotten. They are so cute, that I HAD to show them off!

Can you guess who got her this? You got it...the IRISH grandma! My mom and I went out last Saturday and saw this adorable Shamrock dress, booties and bib. Of course, my mom jumped at the chance to get it. I LOVE it! I guess you can say that our daughter is READY for St. Patty's 2010!

Aunt Kate (KK) and Michelle sent the baby this summer sun dress and onesie (among other things). The "Famous" outfit says- Have your mother call my mother! HA.

Here is a beautiful and soft mint green blanket that was given to us by friends of the family. Thank you Don and Nancy...she is going to love it!

Here is the first bear that our baby has gotten. This was given to her by "Nonna" (Robert's mom)! Can't wait to take pictures of her with it. It is so soft and cuddly!!

As of right now, I am 23 weeks. I'm in my last month of my second trimester and feeling GREAT! I can't believe this time has gone by so fast. It's amazing how much I can feel this baby girl. She kicks all the time. I really see a tap dancer in our near future. HA! I am going to be taking some updated tummy shots soon just to show you the progression. Can't hide the bump any longer. Plus, I bought my first pair of maternity jeans (Old Navy has a great selection for all you prego ladies out there) but I haven't had to wear them yet. Only a matter of time though! HA!!

Baby Santiago Pictures

Here is an 18 1/2 week tummy shot!
Here is a 20 week shot of our little girl! At this Doc's appointment we had our major ultra sound. Needless to say, I was extremely anxious and nervous to get this appointment going. Here, the doctor had a thorough examination of the baby to make sure everything was going smoothly. I was EXTREMELY relieved when we found out that she was developing nicely and, as the doctor said, "Picture Perfect"! It's was so amazing to see her moving all around. She IS a very active baby...I could have watched her for hours!

Here is a 9 week shot!
Here is a 6 week shot!

Hey Hey Hey!

Hey everyone! I have decided to start a blog for a few reasons. I have friends who are dying to see and hear about the progression of our baby. Plus, I think it will be a fun way to keep everyone updated.

On September 10th we found out that we were pregnant, and were thrilled!

You can't tell but there are two pink lines indicating that it was POSITIVE!!!
We immediately made a doctor's appointment to if, testing three times wasn't enough. I guess I needed that medical reassurance! I'm about to post a few baby shots from our past visits so you can see the changes. Our Doctor, Dr. Frampton, is so nice and we just love the staff and nurses each time we go.