Wednesday, July 29, 2009

2 month check up

Just a quick update. Molly went for her two month check-up today and did great! She was scheduled to have three shots today so I didn't know how that would all pan out. However, when the doctor gave her the shots, she was awesome. She cried for a minute tops and then fell right to sleep. I was so proud of my brave little girl! Here statics are as follows:

Weight: 10lbs, 3 ozs. (17%) range
Height: 22 inches ( 17%) range
Head: 14.75 (7 %) range
BMI: 14.8

Because she is so tall, she is considered under average but the doctor said it is nothing to worry about. He said she is so healthy and thriving! Plus, I do have to brag...when we went to see my OBGYN, so he could see Molly, he asked me if "Gerber" was knocking down the door for her to be the next poster child. I got a kick out of that. All I have to say is, "a star is born"! HA! ;)

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