Sunday, September 13, 2009

Molly Baptism!!

On September 6th, we celebrated Molly's Baptism in Savannah. The mass and Baptism was held at St. Peter the Apostle Church which was Robert's home town parish. Then we had a lovely reception at my parents house. Here are a few pictures from the day. Thank you to all who attended the mass, baptism and reception. We had a fantastic day celebrating our little Molly!

Molly Praying before the event!

She did so good when the water was poured over her head!

Molly with Nonna!

Molly with Grandma and Grandpa
Most of the Janson crew minus a few!

Molly with her Godmother Aunt K.K. (Kate)

Molly with Uncle Ralph, her Godfather

Family photo

She was so hounded by Paparazzi that day!!
Sweet Molly relaxing with aunt Annie

Our delicious spread....Gotta love the "Six Bean". HA!!!

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