Robert and I went home for St. Patrick's Day this year. Even though it was on a Tuesday, we just HAD to come home because Fr. O'Brien was the Grand Marshall for this year's parade. Fr. O'Brien is a good friend of the Santiago family and he con-celebrated with Fr. Flynn when we got married. He is just a really nice person so we had to give him some support and a shout out!!! Here are a few shots from the day.
Robert and I on the parade route. The weather ended up being gorgeous!
Annie and I in front of the festive St. Patty's Day mantel at my parent's house. Mom is such a great decorator!!! :)
Hey everyone! Well, I got my test results back from my Gluecose screening and everything came out normal. I am very thankful for that. :) On Monday I had a follow-up appointment with the doctor and everything looks good. My doctor is averaging that the baby is now 2 1/2 pounds and right on track! YEAH!!! Gosh, I can't wait to meet her.
Robert and I have been doing alot of spring cleaning to get ready for the baby. We even rearranged the guest room to fit her needs. Her crib came Tuesday evening, while I was out, and we set it up on Wednesday. We are very pleased with the results. I thought about taking some photos of it but I want to take some room shots when we are completed. All of her furniture is up but we still have to do some decorating. We have chosen shades of lavender and green for her room. Plus her bedding has a hint of pink in it...just a touch!
This past weekend, good friend's of mine (Andrea and Jeremy) came in town for a visit. It was nice because I had a vacation break from teaching on Monday and Tuesday, so I was able to spend more time with them. I have known Andrea since college and she is also pregnant right now. We have been swapping pregnancy stories left and right. Many of them comical! We went all over Charleston and had a blast! Also, they brought with them a gift for the baby. Baby Santiago now has her very own Bumbo! And, in purple!! I was so excited and can't wait for our little girl to use it. For those of you who don't know what this is, it is a seat for the baby to sit in. I know she is going to love it. Thanks "Andie and Jerry" for this thoughtful gift! It is already in her room. :)
Also, yesterday I had an appointment with my doctor. I had my Glucose Tolerance Test and regular checkup. It wasn't so bad drinking the Glucose drink that was given. I had the fruit punch flavored drink and it was sugary! I think this is the most sugary drink I have had since being pregnant. HA! After drinking the liquid (which I had to down in five minutes or less), I had an hour to wait. During that hour my doctor came in and did his normal routine. We checked my blood pressure, urine, weight, the baby's heart beat and position in my uterus. Everything looks great and the baby's heart rate is 162! The doctor said she was very active for 8:30am. I thought, "Yah, the sugary substance I just downed had nothing to do with it...Ha ha!"
Once that hour came and gone it was time to draw blood. I am not a squeamish person so watching the needle go in did not bother me. I asked the nurse when I will find out the results and she said if I don't hear back from them by my next appointment, everything is fine. I am not counting on a problem and neither is the doctor. He said he would be completely surprised if I did have Gestational Diabetes.
Speaking of my next appointment, I have moved to two appointments per month now. Yeah!! This makes it even more official that this baby's birth will be here before you know it. Only two and a half months until my due date!!!!
Hey everyone! Robert and I have been married for two and a half years, and are expecting our first child in June. It's a GIRL!!! We are so blessed and exciting to be bringing this baby into the world and can't wait to be adding our family from two to three. YEAH!