Also, yesterday I had an appointment with my doctor. I had my Glucose Tolerance Test and regular checkup. It wasn't so bad drinking the Glucose drink that was given. I had the fruit punch flavored drink and it was sugary! I think this is the most sugary drink I have had since being pregnant. HA! After drinking the liquid (which I had to down in five minutes or less), I had an hour to wait. During that hour my doctor came in and did his normal routine. We checked my blood pressure, urine, weight, the baby's heart beat and position in my uterus. Everything looks great and the baby's heart rate is 162! The doctor said she was very active for 8:30am. I thought, "Yah, the sugary substance I just downed had nothing to do with it...Ha ha!"
Once that hour came and gone it was time to draw blood. I am not a squeamish person so watching the needle go in did not bother me. I asked the nurse when I will find out the results and she said if I don't hear back from them by my next appointment, everything is fine. I am not counting on a problem and neither is the doctor. He said he would be completely surprised if I did have Gestational Diabetes.
Speaking of my next appointment, I have moved to two appointments per month now. Yeah!! This makes it even more official that this baby's birth will be here before you know it. Only two and a half months until my due date!!!!
How fun! Love the purple seat! I failed my glucose test and had to do the long one and that was lots of fun! :) Glad to hear things are going well!