Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring Time for cleaning...

Hey everyone! Well, I got my test results back from my Gluecose screening and everything came out normal. I am very thankful for that. :) On Monday I had a follow-up appointment with the doctor and everything looks good. My doctor is averaging that the baby is now 2 1/2 pounds and right on track! YEAH!!! Gosh, I can't wait to meet her.

Robert and I have been doing alot of spring cleaning to get ready for the baby. We even rearranged the guest room to fit her needs. Her crib came Tuesday evening, while I was out, and we set it up on Wednesday. We are very pleased with the results. I thought about taking some photos of it but I want to take some room shots when we are completed. All of her furniture is up but we still have to do some decorating. We have chosen shades of lavender and green for her room. Plus her bedding has a hint of pink in it...just a touch!

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